[Romans 13:1-4
] Let every soul be subject to authorities which govern. For there is no authority except from God; and the existing authorities have been appointed by God. 2 So that the one who sets himself against the authority has withstood the ordinance of God; and they who have withstood shall receive judgment to themselves. 3 For the rulers are not a terror to good works, but to bad ones. And do you wish not to be afraid of the authority? Be doing that which is good, and you shall have praise from the same. 4 For he is a minister of God to you for the good. But if you are doing evil, be afraid; for not in vain does he bear the sword, for he is a minister of God, an avenger for wrath to the one who practices that which is bad.
“Is every ruler elected by God to the throne he occupies? Is every emperor, king, and prince chosen by rule? If so, is every law and decree promulgated by a ruler to be regarded as good, and thus obeyed without question? The answer to all these questions is, no. God has ordained that every society should have rulers, whose task it is to maintain order, so that people may live in peace. God allows rulers to employ soldiers, whose task it is to capture and imprison those who violate social order. Thus God will bless and guide any ruler and any soldier who acts according to these principles. But many rulers abuse their authority by amassing huge wealth for themselves at the expense of their people, by unjustly punishing those who dare to speak against their evil, and by making unjust wars against neighbors. Such rulers have not been elected by God, but rather have usurped the position which a righteous ruler should occupy. And if their laws are wrong, we should not obey them. The supreme authority is all matters is not the law of the land, but the law of God; and if one conflicts with the other, we must obey God’s law.”
St. John Chrysostom (quote from John Chrysostom: The Golden Voice of Protest)
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